About us

At Crowny, we strive for excellence together

Crowny Atmosphere Image.
Crowny Team Meeting with Dave Quincy and Mark.
To reward businesses and users for every interaction


Our core values are not something we came up with, we live by them every single day. We just translated it to words.


We’re family, in good and bad times


Everybody is treated the same, 
no exceptions


We’re direct and truthful. Honesty always lasts longest


We will always grow, individually and as a collective


No charades, we will always tell what needs to be told


Respecting one another and the environment we live in is the standard

Mark and Stephano Pair Working and Ahmed.
Crowny | Earn crypto - Office Kioshi.
Quincy and Mark Laughing.
Crowny | Earn crypto - Office Dev Djilano.
Crowny Meeting Mark Djilano Dave and Eric in the Back.
Mark and Stephano Pair Working.
Crowny Team Eating Apple Pie on the Couch.
To revolutionize consumer-business relationships by monetizing community engagement and sharing the value we create

There once was...

Started in 2017
It was this year when Quincy joined the crypto space full-time. He soon realized that this was where he needed to be. That year, the Bitcoin price rose from $1.000 to an ATH of $14.000. The crash that followed taught a lot of investors a valuable lesson for the future. Even though the growth of the crypto market size has not always been consistent, the crypto culture has been consistently amazing. Like-minded and talented individuals build revolutionary tech together, and have fun while doing so. Everybody is helpful, because together we can grow significantly more efficiently. It is this culture and mindset that have been the main reasons why Quincy became an early cryptocurrency adopter and public speaker at the most prominent crypto conferences.
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Background Story
Stephano and Quincy didn’t meet in crypto, but they grew up as friends in the same neighborhood and have known each other for years. Quincy has been active in the tech & marketing sector for years. The application ‘Stagemarkt’ is one of the big successes. He is the Co-founder of this company, which is now the biggest internship application in the Netherlands. Mark and Quincy co-founded a different successful company prior to Crowny. Ever seen an advertising display in a lavatory or in a taxi? That might be them. While they were working on that, Stephano was developing his skills as a full-stack developer rapidly. The company he worked for, specialized in interactive software for the advertising industry.
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Why did we start?
Once Quincy and Mark’s previous adventure came to an end, they sat down and discussed their next move. Quincy’s enthusiasm for putting the users first instead of how traditional media agencies and companies do, sparked the interest in Mark and Stephano. Stephano was just getting to know the working wonders of blockchain technology, so they decided to meet up. Making consumers a priority is how it’s supposed to be. Why? It’s simple: in today’s digital landscape, people are engaging with brands in numerous ways. They create value for brands by providing them with data, engaging with their content and sharing their experiences with friends and family. That’s value. People provide value for businesses. They rarely get a reward in return. It's actually striking; if people can create value for companies, you would think companies would want to encourage this, right? We are here to change the status quo. For us, everything is about people, it always has been and always will be. From this moment onwards, the concept for Crowny began to take shape, it is considered to be the official start of Crowny in 2020.
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Crowny's Concept
Both Mark and Stephano gained extensive experience in software development over the years. Stephano developed his expertise in blockchain technology rapidly. There were no more reasons to postpone working on Crowny. All ingredients were present to come up with a blockchain-based marketing solution. Early 2020, the bootstrapping of Crowny started and the first pitch deck was published. After doing tons of research we found the right blockchain: Solana. When we started building, there were less than 10 projects being built on the Solana blockchain, now there are hundreds.
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Team V1
One ingredient was still missing: a team of "high-performance professionals" to make this dream a reality. In a short period of time, a close-knit team was created. Each has his own skillset; we complement each other well. Having a complementary team is very important. With Dave, Djilano, Inna, Eric, Ahmed and a big handful of support, we have more than enough capabilities to make our dream come true. You can view everyone's profile on our team page.
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Founders of Crowny FLTR Stephano Hondeveld Mark Vlems Quincy Dagelet.

Changing the narrative

We are changing the loyalty and marketing industry by making the experience between businesses and consumers enjoyable.

Businesses & Consumers
  • Inactive brand communities
  • Unethical data collection
  • Ineffective marketing
  • Intrusive distribution
Brands & Fans
  • Engaging and motivated fans
  • Opt-in data collection
  • Relevant content
  • Privacy-focussed

We have only just begun!

Now you know what we stand for, and what we are trying to accomplish. We are eternally grateful for all the support and opportunities we have received so far. With a supportive community and a rapidly evolving ecosystem, we could not have asked for more. That being said, we are always looking to grow even further…