May's Monthly Recap

For fans
For brands
Crowny Updates • Jun 5, 2021 • 2 min read
crowny monthly recap may 2021.

A recap of what happened for Crowny and the entire Crowny family in the month of May, 2021.

So where are we today?

We are working on a lot of new partnerships, and content and making huge improvements on the development side of both the app and the loyalty system. On top of that, our design system is almost finished. Launching that successfully in the next month has the highest priority for our community!

How the Crowny design system in Figma looks like.

How the Crowny design system in Figma looks like.

What happened in the last month?

  • Established our first partnership with a AscendEX and many more to come. AscendEX will integrate the Crowny loyalty program for their users. More about it here.

  • Set the base fundamentals to partner up with many more companies.

  • Developed our design system in Figma so we can scale quicker. See the previous image.

  • Shared the first tease of our App that reached over 20k+ views! Take a look here.

  • Our community became part of our voting process where they could help us decide on which logo to choose for our long awaited app! Take a look here.

  • Reached a milestone of over 30m+ being staked on AscendEX. Take a look here.

  • Got audited by Zokyo for both our smart contracts and staking contracts with an astonishing score. Read more about it on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Audit done by Zokyo for our smart contract.

Audit done by Zokyo for our smart contract.

What to expect for next month?

We are really excited to tell you that everything in the roadmap goes according to plan. In July we will focus on the following below:

  • 🦄 Staking dashboard: We will be finishing the staking dashboard to make it available in the next stage so everyone is able to participate.

  • 📲 App & portal: During this month we will start testing our Beta version of the app even more. We will have a select test group of community members being able to participate before launching it!

  • 👤 Growing our team: We are in the process of hiring more people. Stay tuned to become part of the Crowny team.

Stay tuned for more updates and follow our social media, as you definitely don't want to miss what's coming next. Subscribe to our emails below!