Crowny Discord AMA Recap

For fans
Mar 14, 2022 • 3 min read
Crowny Discord AMA Recap.

The Crowny roadmap for 2022 is live. We discussed it during our first Discord AMA with CEO Quincy Dagelet. Here's the recap in case you missed it.

The AMA started with the roadmap explanation to give everyone a better overview of what Crowny is focusing on during the next quarters, to summarise the most important details.

Quarterly focus

Q1 is for getting the portal and app ready to launch in the next quarter after our migration to #Solana.
Furthermore, establishing the right B2B positioning for the next quarters.

Q2 is all about testing the portal and app with new and existing users. Our focus continues with the onboarding of businesses and their communities through higher-intensity marketing.

Q3 is where we’ve gathered all relevant information from test trials in order to take the next major step forward for further growth!

Community questions

Besides the roadmap highlights, the following questions were asked a lot:

On what companies will Crowny focus when rewards in $CRWNY become effective?” and “How users would be able to explore new loyalty programs?”

Our focus will be on B2B marketing and onboarding (SME’s &crypto) brands with existing communities. This is a win for our existing user base and it grows the number of users using the Crowny App. You can also expect many more crypto-related partnerships, but these partnerships will look slightly different since their community is already in this space.

Rewards in $CRWNY become effective after we launch our wallet functionalities. Once launched, users are able to earn $CRWNY on top of loyalty points from their favorite brands.

We are currently working on a feature called ‘explore’. With this feature, you are able to find brands.

We continued with several winning questions from the community, which were answered. We have included the 3 most relevant ones below.

$CRWNY built on Solana is good to see, can I know the development for sustainability value in the future?

We are happy to see that more and more companies care about the carbon footprint they are leaving behind. In recent research, it showed that Solana is also one of the most ‘green’ blockchains to use. This is a nice USP to offer the brands we are speaking to.

Which brands are you targeting?

First, our focus will be on the B2B small medium-sized enterprises and crypto-related companies. See the answer above.

How does the app work? When can a user receive tokens?

Users can earn rewards once the wallet functionalities are in place, which will be happening in Q2.

Stay tuned for more updates and follow our social media, as you definitely don't want to miss what's coming next. Check our socials in the footer.